
Revisiting My School Days

Onions,Sugar Canes, and a Long-Lost Friend

In the fast-paced world of today, there’s something incredibly comforting about revisiting the memories of our school days. These formative years shape us in ways we may not fully realize until later in life. Join me on a journey back in time as I recall my experiences at Methodist English Primary School and Secondary School. This story isn’t just about academic lessons. It’s also about quirky traditions, unexpected superstitions, and a surprising reunion after almost fifty years.

Primary School Beginnings

It all started in 1959, when I embarked on my educational journey at Methodist English Primary School. While I may not remember every detail from those early years, there’s one memory that stands out vividly – my first day of school.

In a charmingly superstitious gesture, my parents secretly placed onions and sugar cane in my school bag. Why, you ask? Well, according to Cantonese tradition, “onion” symbolizes intelligence, and they hoped it would boost my smarts. Similarly, sugar cane represented sweetness, and they believed it would make me a kinder person.

Imagine the surprise when one of my classmates decided to explore my bag and discovered these unusual items. Laughter ensued, leaving me slightly red-faced. Little did I know that this classmate would soon become my closest friend.

A Remarkable Friendship

As fate would have it, the classmate who found my bag’s peculiar contents became my best friend throughout primary school. We embarked on countless adventures together. We spent hours in the school library, devouring books and exploring new worlds through literature. Our shared love for music led us to tune in to the radio for the latest pop songs by artists like Cliff Richard, The Shadows, The Beatles, and more.

My friend had a unique style, emulating Elvis Presley with his signature high hairstyle. But that wasn’t all; he also had a soft spot for Mary Poppins and even adopted the nickname “Poppy Leong.” Our days were filled with spinning tops, catapults, marbles, and the thrill of capturing fighting fish from nearby rivers and spiders from towering trees.

We flew kites, rode bicycles, played games, and became active members of the Boy Scout movement. Those school days were a kaleidoscope of adventures and shared experiences.

A Bittersweet Farewell

As with all good things, my cherished friendship took an unexpected turn. One day, my best friend left school without a word of farewell. I was left bewildered and saddened. He had mentioned the possibility of relocating to Seremban with his family but provided no forwarding address or any means of staying in touch.

For years, I wondered about him and the abrupt end to our friendship. It felt like a chapter left incomplete, a story without closure.

Reunited After 48 Years

Fast-forward to 2015, and something incredible happened. After an astonishing 48-year gap, my long-lost friend and I were reunited, all thanks to the marvels of modern technology. Social media platforms like Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, and email played a pivotal role in reconnecting us.

To my amazement, he was now living in Jakarta, Indonesia. I made not one but two visits to Jakarta solely to reunite with my dear friend. The passage of time had caused him to forget about onions, sugar cane, his Elvis Presley hairstyle, and even his beloved alias, Poppy Leong.

A Sad Ending

Unfortunately, my best friend passed away peacefully in Jakarta in 2020 due to lymphoma, leaving behind his wife. Rest in peace, my friend; we will meet again in heaven in the next life.

bible study short story

Short Story: Kitty, the cat who stole my heart

A Tale of Love and Friendship

low angle view of cat on tree
Photo by Pixabay on

I found a tiny little kitten in a quiet part of the neighborhood. She was a few days old, and her mother had abandoned her. She was alone, and the world around her seemed big and unfamiliar. My heart couldn’t bear to leave the helpless brown kitten all alone, and with a rush of compassion, I decided to take her under my care. I called her Kitty. From that moment on, a bond formed between us, and she quickly became a cherished member of my family.

As the days passed, she grew stronger, and her affectionate nature flourished. Every time I returned home from work, she would eagerly wait by the door, purring with excitement, as if to say, “I missed you!”

Her warm, brown, furry presence brought joy and comfort to my life. We would spend evenings cuddling together, her purrs creating a soothing melody that melted away the stresses of the day. She filled my home with love, turning it into a sanctuary of happiness and companionship.

One particular day, as I drove home from work, my heart leaped with anticipation to see her waiting in the driveway. She always made my homecoming so special, and I couldn’t wait to embrace her.
However, fate had a cruel twist in store for both of us. As I parked my car, she darted towards me, her eyes bright with joy. But before I could react, tragedy struck. My car accidentally rolled over her, leaving me in shock and filled with sorrow.

In that heart-wrenching moment, time seemed to stand still. I cradled her gently, tears streaming down my face as I realized the unthinkable had happened. I had lost my beloved cat, the one who had brought so much happiness into my life.

In the days that followed, the pain of her loss weighed heavily on my heart. Memories of her playful antics, her soft purrs, and her unwavering affection flooded my mind. The house felt empty without her, and the void she left behind seemed impossible to fill.
But as time passed, I began to find solace in the cherished memories we shared. Her spirit lived on in my heart, a reminder of the beautiful bond we had. Though she was no longer physically by my side, her presence remained in the love and happiness she brought into my life.
As days turned into weeks, months, and years, the sadness began to ease. Although my cat is no longer with me physically, she will always hold a special place in my heart as a cherished memory that will never fade away.

Rest in peace, Kitty. You will always be remembered and cherished.